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  • Story Owner: Anonymous
  • Story Created: Saturday, January 06, 2018, 11:49:00 AM
  • Chapter Author: Anonymous
  • Chapter Created: Monday, January 08, 2018, 3:02:00 PM
  • updated: Friday, January 12, 2018 8:03:00 PM

On his special day, He wants me to attend his birthday, he always remind me that I need to attend his birthday and I promise him that I will be there... therefore I feel so special on his birthday... We drink in that evening after that we go to bar and have some more drinks and eat more foods... But something went wrong and I'm shock of what I see it happened I meet his girl friends that I didnt saw before... Due to alcohol I feel so jealous immidiately but still I manage my posture on that day... 1am in the morning I ask permission to his wife I can go to work first and his wife told its ok... In that night also I accepted that I'm not the only one who is special guess on his birthday... I finished our drink and go to my duty... Exactly I sacrifice my work for him... I know love is Blind but still life's go on if that the case... After that party we talk about the people on his party and I tried to argue about those girls in the party but he dont want to talk about it... So I said ok damage has been done and all I can do is to forgive all the thing happened on that night... He tried to ask me about the money for his birthday I told him that I can give but only for that day... On that day money is already involve until New Year's Eve...



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